Special interest workshops/groups – workshops and talks about a specific theme with a moderator
and those who are interested in the topic.
Meet, share and learn from each other and maybe even create something new.
The workshop is not a scientific explanation of what is now the Alexander Technique (AT). Enough has been written about the AT, by Matthias Alexander (FM) himself (four books + lectures + correspondence) and by successive generations of teachers. The workshop is a travel story of an ignorant pupil who...
This paper will explore the possibilities of teaching conversationally, outlining how conversational teaching might be done in person and online. The aim of conversational teaching, as with all teaching, is to help a pupil transition from relying on subconscious guidance and control to a plane of ongoing constructive conscious control....
In this class we will look at the preliminary procedures plus the first section of the Short Form of Cheng Man-ch’ing while applying AT principles.