Paula Healy

Paula Healy

Paula Healy


- Ireland

Paula completed an MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Sussex, England. Her research dissertation focused on computer game playing and addiction.

Paula has given interactive seminars on the effects of excessive screen exposure on the developing brain to schools (parents, teachers and teenagers) and to international businesses both in England and the EU. The seminars identify and address the many serious issues around disproportionate electronic media exposure in the psychologically vulnerable young brain. This has consequences for the growing child, both physically and mentally.

Paula’s seminars aim to bring awareness to young people and their parents regarding their screen time and to help them to adapt strategies to engage with these digital tools in an organized and productive way.  There is significant scientific evidence that our developing brains are hardwired to require certain inputs and stimuli (human connection, movement, nature and play) for optimal performance. The virtual environment simply cannot provide these.  This very high-profile subject is relevant in the age of technology where a sedentary lifestyle for all ages has become common place, and critical sensory and motor experience are displaced. This has huge implications for mental and physical well-being.
August 8, 2025
Friday, 8 August 2025