Bridget Sheeran
Bridget Sheeran
Bridget Sheeran
- Ireland
Bridget Sheeran MSc, RM, SRN, IPT therapist, ATI certified teacher, has a background as a Nursing specializing in breast cancer. She has also raised 4 sons.
For over 30 years Bridget worked as a Community Midwife in the UK and Ireland, supervizing home births, teaching and campaigning for safer Childbirth and using natural resources for wellness. She pioneered the BabyTalk model for 18 years in Cork, and accredited the Doula training programme, facilitating a model whereby women learn from women how to support each other naturally.
Bridget teaches people to discover for themselves the power they have to create their next best step – using their thinking in relation to movement in all of life’s challenges. Bridget believes that her life’s study so far – of how we react to our environment as social beings – has led her to refine her work, culminating in teaching Alexander’s Principles and Practices. Bridget works from home, and locally at The West Cork Film Studio, and has given workshops in Ireland and abroad since 2022.
August 7, 2025
Thursday, 7 August 2025