Modern ‘means whereby’ of making AT lessons successful

In order to create intrinsic motivation and client loyalty, we use the findings from non-violent communication according to M Rosenberg, from the client-centred theory according to Carl Rogers, and from the findings of interpersonal psychotherapy. This enables us to provide transparency, traceability and a safe space when working with our AT students. In this context, […]

Teaching Conversationally, Teaching Interpersonally

This paper will explore the possibilities of teaching conversationally, outlining how conversational teaching might be done in person and online. The aim of conversational teaching, as with all teaching, is to help a pupil transition from relying on subconscious guidance and control to a plane of ongoing constructive conscious control. Where constructive conscious control includes […]

Integrating Fascial Unwinding with the Alexander Technique

This workshop explores the integration of fascial unwinding with the Alexander Technique, offering a unique approach to releasing deep-seated tension and improving overall movement.  Fascial unwinding is a gentle bodywork technique that releases restrictions in the fascia, the connective tissue surrounding muscles and organs.  By combining this with the principles of the Alexander Technique, participants […]

The Impulse for Voice and Song: A Singing Workshop

Olga Averino was my principal voice teacher. Averino was not a student of the Alexander Technique, but her book, Principles and Art of Singing, was brought to publication by Alexander teachers who felt that her work aligned beautifully with the Technique. Averino taught that good singing relied on psycho-physical coordination and the alignment of the […]

The stomatognathic system

We all breathe, speak, eat, drink, chew, swallow and have facial expressions. These are basic human functions performed by the stomatognathic system. Stomatognathic originates from the Greek language where ‘stoma’ refers to the mouth and ‘gnathos’ refers to the jaw. In this workshop I will take you through the anatomy of this system in which […]

The Future of AT: Embodied Action with The Poise Project

For decades, and in countless professional meetings and conferences, AT teachers have discussed amongst themselves: “How can the Alexander principles be better known? What is the ‘Future of AT’?” The Poise Project was launched in 2016 to move these discussions forward into action. For nine years, with single-minded determination, a nonprofit infrastructure, and a strategic […]

New Directions

Neck Back, Head Forward and Up: Different Views and Styles of Directing. Alexander Technique teachers have many different views about and styles of directing. In this workshop, we will discuss the pros and cons of Alexander’s phrase, ‘Neck back, head forward and up, torso lengthening and widening’. I will also discuss what I prefer to […]

Kinaesthetic Energy Patterns and the Alexander Technique: How Energy Patterns Can Enhance and Expand Our Perceptual and Pedagogical Skills

Researchers have proposed that four primary energy patterns flow through the human nervous system. These patterns are hypothesized to comprise the primary neuromuscular connection between body and mind. Discovered in the 1930s by kinaesiologist, Josephine Rathbone, who was researching the ways people move and hold residual tension in their bodies, these energy patterns manifest in […]

Body-Thought From the whole to the parts.

Bodythought is a conceptual framework for the Alexander Technique. In this workshop I would like to share my 30 years experience of the work and my research, putting an emphasis on the hands-on teaching abilities. The workshop’s aim is to look at what resides in the in-between fields of existence.  We will question the impact […]