The Impulse for Voice and Song: A Singing Workshop
Olga Averino was my principal voice teacher. Averino was not a student of the Alexander Technique, but her book, Principles and Art of Singing, was brought to publication by Alexander teachers who felt that her work aligned beautifully with the Technique. Averino taught that good singing relied on psycho-physical coordination and the alignment of the […]
The stomatognathic system
We all breathe, speak, eat, drink, chew, swallow and have facial expressions. These are basic human functions performed by the stomatognathic system. Stomatognathic originates from the Greek language where ‘stoma’ refers to the mouth and ‘gnathos’ refers to the jaw. In this workshop I will take you through the anatomy of this system in which […]
The Other End of the Story
Observing mammals similar to us such as cats or horses, we do see a distinct and lively use of their ‘other ends’ – their tails – which very precisely and communicatively express the state of their whole beings. Their tails act as a counterpart to their head and neck. This results in an unconditional degree […]
All of Me: Performing from the Whole Self
Many performers complain that they feel stifled, cut off from their emotions, their creative ‘juices’ when they perform. Some get caught up in ‘getting it right’ or ‘technique’. Others develop stage nerves. They find themselves stiffening; their breathing becomes shallow. Through AT, performers can free not only their powerful body-mind, but also ignite their creative […]
Plays Well With Others: Teaching Alexander Technique to Musicians in Groups
Since founding his own music school 10 years ago, Peter has been investigating how to best teach Alexander Technique principles to groups of musicians online and in-person. In this practical workshop, you will not only learn what he’s discovered but also have the chance to experience it first hand. During the first 60 minutes of […]
Body Tuning
It is common for Alexander Technique teachers to work with musicians, yet often Alexander teachers feel like they need more specific information about how to work with musicians. Since musicians tune their instruments before they play, this workshop will address how musicians can ‘tune’ their bodies before practice and performance. Using material from Robyn Avalon’s […]
Integrating the Alexander Technique as we Create New Works!
Madden will lead the group in developing some short performance pieces – with sound, music, acting, etc – using the Alexander process in each step of the development. By the end of our time together, we will share our new Alexander-infused creations with each other.
Radiant Performance for Actors & Singers: The 4 Key Moments
Actors and singers are eager for effective processes to be present, open and show what they can do in a pressurized performance or audition situation. Their study of the Alexander Technique can translate into creative, productive tools that can be used at crucial moments while presenting work. In this experiential workshop, we’ll look at 4 […]
FM how his Voice led to his Self Mastery.
Voice is what makes us quintessentially human. All of our thoughts and emotions resonate through voice. The capacity to speak and how we speak can shape our lives. We often don’t recognize and even dislike our recorded voice when we first hear it. Voice makes an impact on first impressions, emotional and psychological expression, and […]
Un-Perform Your Life
In this workshop we will experiment with our Alexander-awareness choices in relation to communication. The reaction patterns that are so familiar and comfortable to us, also complicate our communication with a layer of trying and doing, which interferes with authentic, heartfelt connection. Each of us has personal go-to reaction patterns that take over at times. […]