It has become clear to me over many years of doing exchanges and receiving feedback, that my hands-on work is more clear and directed when I am seeing clearly, my breathing is flowing, I am mentally present, and I have expanded awareness. In this workshop, we will partner up, then will establish that we are clearly seeing whatever we are choosing to see and are simultaneously including our backs and our feet, or are simultaneously including the room all around us. Then we will put hands on our partner with the inquiry of: did my attention narrow in the process of bringing my hands on? How about in transitioning my hands from one place to another? How about in changing my position in space?
Our minds can wander or end-gaining can sneak in before we know it. Keeping our hands-on work simple, we will explore the quality of our attention in a spirit of play and discovery. We will conduct this inquiry into the roles of both teacher and student, then we will share our findings with our partner. We will have the opportunity to explore this again with a different person, then at the end we will share with the group at large.
Friday, 8 August 2025
Friday, 8 August 2025