Alexander once said, ‘It is no use giving orders whilst you have an idea at the back of your mind of doing something’. This workshop will explore the profound and amazing results which can happen during an Alexander lesson when non-doing is paramount. Non-doing hands can be one of the most effective ways to help a person come to a place of stillness.
This stillness is one of the most insightful ways to help a person to be deeply aware of their mental and physical habits. When the teacher’s hands are non-doing they can start to listen to another human being in a way that allows them to feel truly safe. From that place of safety, they are able to let go of the habits that they have adopted as a means of protection.
During the workshop you will experience what happens when you really listen to a person in a non-judgemental way, first though words and then through touch. You too will also have an opportunity to also be listened to in the same way.
Thursday, 7 August 2025
Thursday, 7 August 2025