Sandra Dager

Sandra Dager

Sandra Dager



Sandra Dager is an Alexander Technique teacher (AmSAT), certified leadership coach/consultant in kinaesthetic energy patterns through the Institute for Zen Leadership, and a Lutheran pastor and musician.
She uses her unique background and training to facilitate transformation through holistic processes in individuals and organizations from a variety of backgrounds: music, technology, the military, religious organizations, and educational institutions.  A trained classical singer, Sandra has been a soloist in oratorios and operatic productions and has given classical song recitals in England and the United States. While her musical tastes are broad, she particularly enjoys opportunities to introduce audiences to the classical songs of Nordic composers. EDUCATION DMin GRADUATE THEOLOGICAL UNION, Berkeley, CA. Thesis: The Embodied Liturgist: Contributions of the Alexander Technique and the Primal Patterns Theory to the Development of a Holistic, Embodied Pedagogy for Liturgical Presiding. MDiv YALE DIVINITY SCHOOL, New Haven, CT Theology/Pastoral Ministry BA ST OLAF COLLEGE, Northfield, MN Sociology.